The Invincible

Rethink human’s dominion in The Invincible: a story-driven adventure set in a hard sci-fi world by Stanisław Lem. Discover planet Regis III as scientist Yasna, use atompunk tools looking for a missing crew and face unforeseen threats. Make choices in a philosophical story that’s driven by science.

You assume the role of Yasna, a highly skilled astrobiologist, embroiled in a space race. Your journey leads you to the uncharted planet Regis III, initially intended for scientific exploration. However, it swiftly transforms into a mission to locate missing crew members. Follow their trail cautiously, as every choice you make has the potential to expose you to peril.

Embark on a thought-provoking scientific adventure amid otherworldly landscapes. Piece together fragments of what’s lost and seek guidance from your Astrogator during challenging moments.

The unforeseen threat facing humanity will compel you to reconsider our species’ aspirations and prejudices. Navigate through decisions, unravel the mystery, but always bear in mind the ruthless simplicity and brilliance of evolution.

Interact with the diverse creatures of Regis III, deciding whether they become friends, companions, or foes. The true implications of these words become apparent only after your arrival.

Immerse yourself in the atompunk ambiance, utilizing tools like a telemeter or tracker, and traverse the breathtaking landscape with a vehicle. Experience genuine interactions with analogue technologies within a retro-futuristic timeline.

“The Invincible” is a first-person game inspired by the themes of the iconic novel “The Invincible” by the globally renowned hard science-fiction author and Polish futurologist, Stanisław Lem.

There are places like Regis III, unprepared for us and for which we are unprepared. Nevertheless, our spacecraft inexorably approaches its destination, converging our stories and fates in an unknown territory.