Manor Lords

Manor Lords is a medieval strategy game with deep city building, large-scale tactical battles, and complex economic and social simulations. Rule your country like a medieval lord - seasons pass, weather changes, and cities rise and fall.

Manor Lords is a procedure game that allows you to occurrence the life of a medieval master. Grow your starting suburb into a bustling city, manage money and production chains, and extend your lands through conquest.

Inspired by the cunning and architecture recently 14th century Franconia, Manor Lords prioritizes historical veracity wherever likely, using it to inform gameplay workings and visuals alike. Common old tropes are avoided probable historical accuracy, in consideration of make the globe feel more authentic, colorful, and trustworthy.

Manor Lords provides a gridless city-construction experience with adequate freedom of installation and rotation. Building mechanics are stimulated by the progress of real medieval towns and villages, place major work routes and the landscape influenced by means of what settlements formed and developed.

Spreading outward from a main marketplace, build your residential, monetary, and industrial communities following the natural lay of the land. Establish farms established soil fertility, position pursuit grounds according to animal cultures, and ensure approach to adequate resource deposits and woodlands to provide nudity materials needed for tumor.
Assign areas for dwelling and watch your residents build their households in accordance with the historical burgage plot order. Each region will be subdivided established your roads and the allotted space, and residences will scale accordingly.
Build continuations behind larger homes to create income and money that would not otherwise be available. Homeowners forbiddance just pay taxes – they grow salads, raise chickens and goats, and otherwise supply themselves and other townsfolk accompanying essential needs beyond what your trained farms, pastures, and industries can provide.
Guide your conclusions through the unique demands and event of each season, enjoying the bonus brought by spring rains and preparing for the severe snows of winter.

From boots to food and hides to honey, Manor Lords face a great assortment of goods fitting of the era. Materials need expected transported and treated into finished products through result chains, and you must balance the basic needs of your public against the desire to produce luxury items to ensure satisfaction, manufacture profession goods for ship, or forge arms and shield to aid in your conquests.


Resources are littered across the sketch, encouraging you to expand and demonstrate multiple specific settlements. Extract valuable ores from your excavating colonies, while villages loyal to agriculture, herding, or inquiry supply the grains and meats needed to feed your increasing population.
Unchecked expansion will have a direct effect on the atmosphere. Herds of deer will move away from encroaching sophistication, lack of crop rotation will diminish soil fertility, and incisive down too many wood will result in clear-cutting.
Sell surplus goods to traveling broker or establish work routes of your own. Manufacturing and exporting quality goods will determine wealth to improve your city, pay taxes to your liege, hire warriors, and unlock sciences for new industries, products, and forms.

Yours is but a small group of land in a vast region, and the competing ambitions ‘tween you and neighboring lords will unavoidably lead to conflict. Lead your people into battle, not as superfluous units expected easily replenished, but as your beloved faithful subjects place every death is a cost value considering.

Train a entourage of skilled warriors to be in a dispute or fight battles alongside the levies you raise from the town trainband. At times these soldiers will command a price of to crush rebellions or suppress banditry, and at different times you will lead you guys into battle to conquer or defend domain. When needed, warriors are a costly option to help your ranks.
A robust tact system will allow you to correspond with different lords, using influence or threats to sway their conduct. These competing lords have their own aims and will seek you out as well, and your reaction to their offers or insults can mean the difference middle from two points war and peace.
Command absolute-time tactical battles, communicable into consideration fatigue, weather environments, and equipment. Position your troops prudently – a smaller force can defeat a best enemy, if commanded well.
Feel the cost of battle, even in win, as each fallen pilot represents a lost character from your city. A pyrrhic victory can spell financial doom, or a winter of conserving food and cordwood.