Hell Let Loose

Join the ever-expanding experience of Hell Let Loose - a hardcore WWII first-person shooter with epic 100-player battles featuring infantry, tanks, artillery, a line of dynamically changing front and a unique resource-based RTS-inspired metagame.

Fight in the most famous battles on the Western Front including Carentan, Omaha Beach and Foy etc. It’s combat on a whole new scale… with heavy tanks dominating the battlefield, vital supply chains powering the front lines, you’re a cog in the machinery of colossal combined arms warfare. Hell Let Loose immerses you in the chaos of warfare, with deep player-controlled vehicles, a dynamically evolving frontline, and crucial unit-centric gameplay that commands the tide of battle.

With over 9 expansive maps modeled after real reconnaissance imagery and satellite data, the entire battlefield is divided into large conquest sectors – allowing for ever-changing and constantly unique gameplay where two forces of fifty players do battle to death across fields and bridges fight, forests and cities on an ever-changing front line. When a sector is conquered, it generates one of three resources for your team, creating a complex metagame that will affect your team’s triumphal streak. An epic theater of war

Conquer the battlefield in 50v50 multiplayer across massive maps. Choose one of 14 playable roles from infantry, reconnaissance and armor unit types, each equipped with different weapons, vehicles and equipment. Play as an officer, scout, gunner, medic, engineer, tank commander and more to experience all aspects of WWII combat.

Hardcore gameplay

Dropping you off at over 9 legendary WWII battlefields – like Omaha Beach, Carentan and Foy – is at the heart of the Hell Let Loose experience. Historic vehicles, weapons, and uniforms are intricately detailed, and the combat is as brutal and bloody as it was that day. Battles unfold on massive, scaled maps of real battle locations, recreated using archival aerial photographs and satellite imagery in jaw-dropping detail using Unreal Engine 4.

Fight together – win together

Hell Let Loose is not about the kill to kill ratio – teamwork is key to gameplay. Communication is essential. Players work together under the guidance of officers and their commander to capture strategic battlefield targets and dominate the opposition. Hell Let Loose is a game that requires teamwork and communication not only to win, but also to survive. Unique meta game

Fight for victory by breaking through enemy lines on a vast ever-changing battlefield. The industry’s unique acquisition metagame requires teams to continually make large-scale tactical decisions about where to attack or defend. Manage resources and supplies to call for support, bombing, new vehicles, bombing, and to reinforce strong points or flank enemies. Strategy is the key to success.

Most important features:

• Fight in epic 50v50 multiplayer battles. • Two different game modes – offensive and war
• 9 frequently added maps – land on Omaha Beach, fight your way through Carentan and into the frozen forests of Foy before climbing Hill 400.
• Never fight the same battle twice – 99 capture point variations per map means thousands of potential battles.
• Play and master one or more of 14 unique roles, including:
Officer, medic, gunner, commander, crew member, sniper and more.
• Constantly updated with new maps, weapons, features and bug fixes.
• Realistic ballistics and recoil patterns provide satisfying and skillful shooting. • In-game proximity voip, command voip and unit voip.
• Brutal Combat: Friends and foes are torn apart by heavy weapons.
• Continuous Player Progress: Showcase your experience by unlocking new uniforms, gear and other customization options as you level up each individual role and your player.
• Control a wide range of WWII vehicles, including Tiger, Sherman, Stuart, Puma and more, with more vehicles on the way
• Bomb and blast the enemy out of the field by taking control of heavy weapons such as anti-tank guns and artillery.
• Build defenses on the battlefield to fortify your position. • Use teamwork to break through the enemy front line and achieve victory.
• Play as commander and lead your squad to victory with various skills as you organize your troops across the tactical map.