End of the Line (SP/COOP)



CSAT won the battle for Malden… There is nothing more we can now do but leave the island to fight another day…

Badly beaten and defeated, remnant of AAF forces on Malden tries to organize and defend last evacuation point from the island. Try to make your way to the evac point and help AAF survivors on the way there.

This scenario can be split into to main parts:

Short journey from remains of your convoy to the evac point. On the way you must stop in Houdan to sabotage T-100 tank to prevent it from storming the evac point. As a side quest you can rescue few AAF soldiers while you are in the town. They may be helpfull later on in the mission.

After you reach the evac point you must hold it until AAF navy’s two destroyers will arrive to take you of the island. At your disposal will be .50 HMGs, AT and AA launchers as well as, cherry on top, mortar with UAVs to scout approaching enemy force and blast them to pieces.





Procedural generation is used in the mission to make it fresh and interesting on every playthrough.

This mission has lots of different layouts. Main randomized elements are:
-Starting positon (3 possible)
-T-100 positon (4 possible)
-positons of AAF soldiers taken captive (8 possible from which 2 are chosen)

Smaller aspects like weapons found at the beginning and enemies position and their loadout are as well randomized
Some of those aspects can be selected in COOP.

COOP mode is available for up to 6 players.

Takes somewhere between 20 – 30 minutes to complete the mission.